Experimenting with running my blog on Google Container Engine

I’m doing this purely as an experiment to gain experience with using the Google container service and Google compute services. The steps required are loosely: Establish a google compute account. Install the google SDK and gcloud. Create a default gcloud configuration. Create a minimum sized cluster to allow us to run Kubernetes and manage our blog in a container. Upload my blog container to the Google Container Registry. Create a “deployment” to run the container....

July 5, 2017 · 14 min · Rob Rennison

Deploying the blog to Digital Ocean using docker-machine

In the earlier post we got our blog deployed inside of a docker container, said container running nginx to serve our blog. In this article I’ll look at how we can “deploy” this to The Cloud!. I’ve previously experimented with creating VMs and setting up a cool docker/ dev environment on them, perhaps I’ll blog on this at some time, and this was what I initially thought I’d use as an environment to host a docker blog container....

December 16, 2016 · 5 min · Rob Rennison

Containerising A Pelican Blog

This post notes some of the steps taken to create a static site based blog and containerising it. Future posts will deal with numerous ways we can “deploy” it; using docker, docker-machine and perhaps even CoreOS. The blog is just an excuse to have something to ‘containerize’, ’tis not complex enough to warrant microservices, and multiple containers but can be a platform for me to discuss my experiences with these....

December 10, 2016 · 8 min · Rob Rennison